Adjustment of rules for spam and quarantine emails
SDU IT has adjusted the rules for when emails go to spam and quarantine, and increased automatic communication about emails in quarantine
Blocking of Unauthorized and Harmful Plugins in Browsers
In internet browsers (Edge, Chrome, and Firefox), browser extensions or plugins can be installed to provide closer functionality with a given service. These plugins can make things a bit easier but are often associated with various security issues. SDU IT will increasingly block plugins that are not approved or may have vulnerabilities or security problems.
Phasing Out Weak MFA Methods – SMS and Voice Callback
To optimize the security of employee identities and minimize the risk of identity theft, SMS codes and voice callback has been removed as approved login methods
It will again be a little easier to use SDU data across your smartphone or tablet
SDU IT lifts the technical measure that prevents data from being copied into apps that are not approved at SDU. Read more about the responsibility this entails for you.
SDU IT wish you a safe and enjoyable summer
Dear colleague, The summer holidays are approaching fast and as you may be planning to travel abroad during the holiday period, we would like to remind you of the importance of safe digital behaviour, especially when using your SDU computer. We want to ensure that your data and personal information remain protected wherever you are.
Measures for secure Android devices
SDU IT is introducing a new security measure that affects employees who access SDU data from older and insecure Android devices. In order to protect the university's data and improve IT security, SDU IT will start issuing warnings to users of these devices.
Updating Development Environments and Programming Languages in Windows
SDU IT is changing service management solution
Monday, March 18 2024, SDU IT will launch Freshservice
New service solution hitting a computer near you soon!
SDU IT, are in the process of transitioning to a new service management solution
Protecting SDU data on smartphones and tablets
SDU data must also be secure when stored on your smartphone
We’re switching to eSIM on our mobile plans