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What systems can I use to process personal data?

SDU Digital, SDU IT and SDU RIO are working together on an overview of – and more detailed guidance on the use of – approved systems at SDU. The list below is therefore not exhaustive. If you are in doubt as to whether the system you are using is approved for the processing of personal data, please contact SDU RIO. 

As a general rule, you may use the systems made available by SDU (e.g. MS Office 365, Survey Xact, Poll Everywhere, Acadre, PURE and the HR and financial management system). Below you will find instructions for the most commonly used systems for storing and processing personal data. 

Instructions for systems

Nextcloud (in Danish) is a SDU-solution and is particularly useful for: 

  • The storage of large files/data sets, research data or the like 
  • Collaboration/sharing where external collaborators are typically included 
  • Sharing documents with other SDU employees 
  • Exchanging large files with external collaborators (Nextcloud is the replacement for Filesender)

Onedrive  (in Danish) is part of MS Office 365 and is particularly useful in the cases mentioned below. OneDrive can be seen as a replacement for one’s personal drive (such as the previous M drive). Onedrive is particularly useful: 

  • For documents you are primarily going to use yourself. 
    It is possible to share individual files and/or folders with others, but be aware that the people with whom the content is shared will no longer have access to the content if you leave SDU. You should therefore refrain from using Onedrive if the files you share are common to e.g. a department (use SharePoint instead). 
  • If you need to access your documents outside SDU. Only a browser or an app for mobile devices is required. 

SharePoint (in Danish) is part of MS Office 365 and is particularly useful: 

  • For sharing documents with other SDU employees and students, e.g. in councils and boards 
  • For sharing documents with selected external collaborators
  • As a common platform where there will be both communication and sharing of documents, files, pictures, etc. 

Teams (in Danish) is part of MS Office 365 and is particularly useful for: 

  • Collaboration on smaller projects where smaller files are shared (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • To communicate in chats, hold meetings and make calls to each other 



Last Updated 20.06.2023