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Lederens værktøjskasse

Tool courses


Participants will be inspired to work on the development of their own group or unit based on relevant research and literature in the field.

The target group

The course is aimed at managers of employees or managers of managers who would like inspiration and tools to create a more well-functioning and effective group. It would also be ideal for the manager to bring other group members or his/her whole group.

Benefits and content

  • Participants are introduced to relevant literature and research on effective management groups and group development.
  • Participants gain insight into the challenges and dysfunctions that generally arise in groups, and tools for how they can work with development.
  • Participants gain insight into the work processes and relational processes that characterise effective and well-functioning groups.

The course alternates between presentations and short discussions and is based on practical and SDU-relevant situations. The duration of the course is 3 hours.


Sign up for the course ‘Group Development for Managers’.


Feel free to contact us with questions about content or requests for courses.


Participants will be introduced to methods and approaches so that conflicts can be avoided or resolved. Inspiration will be given about what needs to be present in a workplace to avoid conflict and to develop or maintain well-being and a good working environment. Instruction will be given on how conflicts between individuals or groups can be avoided.

The target group

The course is aimed at managers and AMGs who wish to spot and avoid conflicts or find inspiration for resolving those that have arisen.

Benefits and content

  • Participants will gain knowledge about how conflicts can be spotted and resolved.
  • Participants will be introduced to various planning tools and tools to ensure transparent conflict resolution.
  • Participants gain insight into how to plan a difficult conversation – both with the group and with the individual.

The course alternates between short inspirational presentations, group discussions and case work, and is based on practice-oriented and SDU-relevant situations. The duration of the course is 3 hours.


Sign up for the course ‘Conflict Management for Managers’.

The course will be held on 16 June 2021


Feel free to contact us with questions about content or requests for courses.


Participants will be introduced to methods and approaches to leading social processes in and around projects or other types of larger tasks in which results are created jointly. In particular, the focus is on the manager’s role and ability to lead employee-involving and forward-looking processes in an organisational context.

The target group

The course is aimed at managers who want to become better at holding effective meetings and planning good organisational processes at SDU.

Benefits and content

  • The participants will reflect on the importance of their own role in the process and what good and appreciative communication is.
  • Participants are introduced to various planning tools and tools to ensure the involvement of participants in meetings and processes.
  • Participants gain insight into how to plan and hold effective and relevant meetings
  • Participants gain insight into how processes and decisions are made at SDU, including how to ensure the participation and involvement of employees and students.

The course alternates between short inspirational presentations, group discussions and case work, and is based on practice-oriented and SDU-relevant situations. The duration of the course is 3 hours.


Sign up for the course ‘Process and Meeting Management’.

The course will be held on 4 May 2021.


Feel free to contact us with questions about content or requests for courses.


Participants will be introduced to what stress is and what symptoms to be aware of. Examples will be given of how stress can be managed and prevented. What can be done as a workplace and as management so that the organisation of work does not lead to failure to thrive. An introduction will be given to Psychological Safety, which refers to a culture in which everyone feels confident that they can participate in the work community.

The target group

The course is aimed at managers, AMGs or staff groups who wish to have their work environment scrutinised

Benefits and content

  • Participants will be equipped to spot and prevent stress
  • Tools that can be used in everyday life will be introduced
  • Participants will be introduced to the processes that can be implemented to make the work community a safe place to enter.
  • How Psychological Safety can become a natural part of everyday life.

The course alternates between short inspirational presentations, group discussions and case work, and is based on practice-oriented and SDU-relevant situations. The duration of the course is 3 hours.


Sign up for the course ‘Prevention and Management of Stress for Managers’.

The course will be held on 14 April 2021


Feel free to contact us with questions about content or requests for courses.

Return to the leadership compass


Management consultant Betina Rohr, Mail:, Mobile: 9350 7131

Send an email

Last Updated 03.07.2024