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Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey 2021

Every three years the University of Southern Denmark carries out a survey of the university’s staff about their well-being and their working environment. The survey is called an Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey.


Report from the working environment and well-being survey 2021

Find the university reports, unit's reports and main area reports on sharepoint. 


Unit's tasks

short presentation of the overall process of the APV and well-being survey for the working environment Group can be found here:

The unit's tasks duing the survey 

Follow the response rate daily here in the period from the 5.  to 26. oktober : Dynamic response rate

Supporting document

Terms of reference for the monitoring group of the Workplace Assessment and Well-being Survey 2021

Template for the Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey 2021 

Template for the Workplace Assessment for employed students 2021 

Organisation chart


Previously surveys 

Further information about the individual surveys can be found here:

  • the APV and Well-Being Survey 2012 – Read about methods and procedures here and about the responses here
  • the APV and Well-Being Survey 2015 – Read about the process here
  • the Workplace Assessment and well-Being Survey 2018 here



About the Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey at SDU

The aim of carrying out the survey is to reveal whether there are problems in the working environment, where these are to be found and how they can be resolved. The APV always has a written action plan attached, which lays down who has responsibility for solving the problem and what measures should be taken to follow up on whether the solution has been implemented and has solved the problems.


The Workplace Assessment is conducted in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Authority rules for the area:  Executive Order on the Performance of Work.


Sector Working Environment Council for Private Office and Administrative Workplaces has developed a guidance on Risk assessment in office workplaces.


Well-Being Survey
The aim of carrying out the Well-Being Survey is to examine the staff’s satisfaction and well-being at work, with particular focus on the psychological environment.


Provisions for carrying out a well-being survey are laid down in 'Circular on the Agreement regarding Cooperation and Joint Consultation Committees in the State', and support the aims of the cooperation agreement to promote constructive cooperation based on trust and dialogue.


The APV and Well-Being Survey at SDU
The Central Liaison Committee and the Central Working Environment Committee at SDU have decided to carry out the two surveys as a common survey for all units at SDU.


The survey is performed every three years, as is required both by the working environment legislation and by the cooperation agreement.
The APV and Well-Being Survey are carried out as an anonymous survey as far as the psychological environment and well-being are concerned. The results of the physical APV are worked out anonymously and are at the same time sent to the unit’s working environment group, so that the group can identify the siting and causes of problems in the working environment.

The unit prepares a schedule and action plan to resolve the problems that have been identified.

If changes occur locally that are significant for the working environment in the intervening three-year period, the unit should itself ensure that a follow-up APV is carried out.


Queries relating to the survey can be addressed to the secretariat for the survey at at the Health & Safety Department.

APV for employees and students 2021

Response rate for APV for employed students

APV for employed students 2021 ended at a total of 45%.

See the distribution by main area here: Response barometer (Only in Danish).

Conversation model

For the follow-up dialogue in the unit, the Working Environment Office has made a guide for APV conversation with employed students. The conversation model is a help to the device, and can be used as a tool for planning and conducting a conversation, regardless of who is to conduct the conversation.

Overview of steps 1- 6

Step 1: The survey is set up and the unit validates the respondent list

Step 2: The unit informs staff students about the survey

Step 3: The survey is answered and the unit ensures a high response rate

Step 4: The reports are generated

Step 5: The device processes data

Read more

Last Updated 26.02.2025