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Employee Portal

The following information is aimed at employees at the Department of Business & Management


Before any journey, you must always obtain approval from the budget authority – typically your research group leader, project manager, or department head.

Once you have booked a trip, please send an email to the DBM finance team with the following information:

  • Purpose of the trip (including the name of the event, dates, and location)
  • Relevant documentation (e.g., program, invitation, meeting confirmation, or similar)
  • Attach receipts if possible.
  • Approval from your research group leader, project manager, or department head.
  • Specify which budget covers the expense (analysis number, project number, or cost center?). If in doubt, your research group leader, project manager, or the finance team can assist.
  • All attached documents must be in PDF format.

SDU encourages the use of public transportation as much as possible.


SDU has several procurement agreements ("SKI agreements"). These agreements stipulate, for example, that we must always book flights through CWT. We are only allowed to deviate from this if CWT cannot provide the desired service or if, for example, you have accompanying family members (CWT solely manages travel for SDU employees) – and this requires special prior approval from the dean.

It is therefore NOT permitted to book flights through other providers, even if it may appear cheaper. Flights should always be booked as early as possible, as the price will be lowest, and always in economy class.

To be set up in CWT, please contact the DBM finance team with the following information:

  • Full name (as stated in your passport) and information about Mr., Mrs. or Ms. 
  • Email
  • Mobile number + country code if the phone number is foreign
  • Organizational unit

After setup, you will receive an email with instructions for activating your myCWT account (

Flights always depart to/from Denmark. If you wish to depart/arrive from/to another country, this requires special approval from the head of department.

You should always book online if possible. Booking via phone and email incurs a fee.

Please note that any changes after booking also incur a fee.

If you require technical support, you can contact CWT at or by phone at +45 33 63 77 77 – press 2 for technical support.

If you need assistance with booking a trip, you can contact CWT at or by phone at +45 33 63 77 77 – press 1 for business travel.

If you require urgent assistance outside of opening hours, you can contact CWT at +44 20 3353 0952. A call to the 24-hour service center may incur additional charges.


Read more about flights and regulations here.

Read more about CWT here.

SDU encourages the extensive use of public transportation.
As an employee, you can book your train ticket as either a standard ticket (where the time can be changed) or an orange ticket (which is cheaper, but where the time cannot be changed). You can also be reimbursed for the price of a seat reservation if necessary. Light rail transportation is included with standard tickets.


The DBM finance team can set you up in the DSB system so that you can easily book tickets using the DSB app and even get SDU's discount. Simply log in to the app with your SDU email and the provided password, book your ticket, note the purpose of the trip in the comment section, and select "invoice" at checkout.


For all trips (with luggage in hand), the entire journey from home address to the hotel destination is covered.


In connection with meetings and similar events (without luggage in hand), please note that if you normally take the train to/from work, you can only be reimbursed for your additional expenses. That means if, for example, you live in Nyborg and work in Odense, and you take the train every day, this route is your private expense, which you must cover yourself. If you then suddenly need to attend a meeting in Aarhus, you will only be able to get reimbursed for the train ticket from Odense to Aarhus, as this is your additional expense.


Due to the above, it is important that you inform us about how you normally commute to/from work.


Read more about train travel and its regulations here

SDU encourages the extensive use of public transportation. This means that, as a general rule, you will be reimbursed for the cost of the cheapest public transportation option where feasible, even if you have chosen to drive your own car. If you have driven your own car but receive reimbursement for the cheapest train ticket, this will exclude the seat reservation.

If you have driven your own car, always remember to provide the vehicle's registration number.

You can only receive reimbursement for mileage if it is your own, your spouse's, or your partner's car (if you share finances) that has been used.

In special cases, department heads can grant permission to receive mileage reimbursement if it is deemed more practical and economical for SDU to use your own car. This permission must be sought in advance before the trip begins.

If you wish to apply for mileage reimbursement, this should be arranged with the DBM finance team before the trip begins.

In connection with meetings and similar events, please note that when driving your own car, your regular commute to/from work will always be deducted if you normally drive. Therefore, you will only be eligible for reimbursement of your additional expenses. In practice, this means that if you typically commute 20 km each way to and from work, these 2x20 km will be considered your personal transportation expenses. If, instead, you attend a course where you must drive 50 km each way, you will not be eligible for mileage reimbursement for the full 100 km, but only for the additional 60 km, as the remaining 40 km constitute your regular personal transportation expenses.

Due to the above, it is important that you inform us about your usual commute to/from work.


Read more about driving your own car here.

Read more about refunds and zExpense on SDUnet here or on the department page here.

SDU covers the costs of taxi travel when it is deemed necessary for completing a journey. If you have an SDU credit card, we receive a discount with Dantaxi. You may use a taxi in the following situations:

  • If you have been or are about to embark on an overnight trip and are carrying luggage (suitcase).
  • If public transportation is not available (e.g., during very early or late departures).

It is possible for SDU to cover documented expenses in connection with missions in Denmark for ride-hailing services (carpooling and car-sharing schemes), such as GoMore and Hire. Read more about the conditions here.

For transportation abroad, SDU encourages all employees to use authorized taxi companies for their own safety. If a ride-sharing service such as Uber, GoMore, or Lyft is used, it is at the employee's own risk.


Read more about taxis here.

SDU encourages booking hotels through CWT, but this is not a requirement. Hotels can also be booked directly with the hotel.

You must adhere to the applicable hotel accommodation allowance – meaning, the maximum cost for one night's stay should not exceed the following amounts in the respective countries:

  • Denmark: 1,844 DKK
  • Belgium: 178 EUR equivalent to 1,327 DKK
  • Canada: 330 CAD equivalent to 1,643 DKK + tax
  • Finland: 149 EUR equivalent to 1,111 DKK
  • France: 194 EUR equivalent to 999 DKK
  • Greece: 134 EUR equivalent to 813 DKK
  • Netherlands: 181 EUR equivalent to 1,350 DKK
  • Ireland: 178 EUR equivalent to 1,327 DKK
  • Iceland: 31,382 ISK equivalent to 1,613 DKK
  • Italy: 166 EUR equivalent to 1,238 DKK
  • Luxembourg: 183 EUR equivalent to 1,365 DKK
  • Norway: 1,916 NOK equivalent to 1,211 DKK
  • Portugal: 148 EUR equivalent to 1,040 DKK
  • Switzerland: 250 CHF equivalent to 1,912 DKK
  • Spain: 182 EUR equivalent to 1,357 DKK
  • United Kingdom: 177 GBP equivalent to 1,590 DKK
  • Sweden: 1,701 SEK equivalent to 1,103 DKK
  • Germany: 165 EUR equivalent to 1,230 DKK
  • USA (NY + Washington): 327 USD equivalent to 2,338 DKK + tax
  • USA (other): 176 USD equivalent to 1,258 DKK + tax
  • Austria: 137 EUR equivalent to 1,022 DKK

If your travel destination is not listed, please find a comparable country.

If it is not possible to find accommodation within this maximum amount, you can apply for an exemption from the budget authority (research group leader, project manager, or head of department). 

It is also allowed to book Airbnb, vacation homes, or apartments as long as the accommodation allowance is not exceeded.

Hotels abroad are not invoiced but settled at the hotel. Always ensure you receive a detailed receipt, as this will need to be settled in zExpense afterwards.

All Danish hotels must be settled via electronic invoice. Always provide the EAN number 5798000423268 in advance in connection with booking. Also, ensure your name is noted on the invoice.


Read more about hotels and accommodation here.

Read more about reimbursements and zExpense on SDUnet here or on the department page here.

If you are on a business trip with an overnight stay lasting at least 24 hours, you have the option to apply for allowances (time-/dagpenge). Allowances amount is 574 DKK per day in Denmark - see examples of other rates below:


Allowance  kr.

Percentage allowance  kr.


 - Bulgaria  428 128,27 
 - Slovakia  409  122,68


 - Mozambique  384  115,23
 - South Africa  318  95,35
 - Tunesia  456  136,66
 - Zambia  437  131,07
 - Zimbabwe  330  99,08
 - Egypt  441  132,31


 - Bolivia  330  99,08
 - Columbia  437  131,07
- Cuba  462  138,52


- Bangladesh   437 131,07
 - Bhutan 241  72,37
-  India  318 95,35
 - Iran  330  99,08
 - Malaysia  323 96,90
-  Nepal  268  80,44
 - Pakistan  273  82,00
 - Thailand  394  118,34

Allowances should cover local transportation during your stay, meals, a newspaper, and other similar incidental expenses.

You can also choose to apply for percentage reimbursement. Here, you will receive a smaller amount but can, in turn, be reimbursed for your actual extra expenses for items such as local transportation, meals, etc., during your stay. However, this requires attaching receipts for all purchases.

Allowances should be applied for in zExpense, along with the other expenses of the trip. Always remember to specify which meals you have been offered during your stay (e.g., if breakfast was offered at the hotel and perhaps lunch at the conference - even if you did not accept them).


Read more about zExpense here and here.


If you have guests visiting, and DBM is to cover their expenses, the same rules apply as for employees at SDU.

If the guest has a Danish CPR number and a NemKonto, the guest must settle via zExpense. However, if the guest is from abroad and does not have a CPR number or NemKonto, a form must be filled out, receipts for travel expenses must be attached, and everything must be submitted to the DBM finance team.

Always make the guest aware of applicable travel rules – for example, that economy class flights are always booked. Also, always ensure to book hotels in Denmark for our guests, as this is the only way we can utilize SDU's discount schemes. The group coordinator can assist with this.


Read more about Reimbursement - Best Practice

Get the Reimbursement form -in Danish or English

SDU's employees are insured in accordance with the state's self-insurance rules. All SDU employees traveling abroad for SDU are automatically covered by SDU through Europæiske Rejseforsikring A/S (Europæiske ERV).

Insurance cards for use during trips abroad can be obtained by contacting the Travel Office. Supplementary insurance or alternative insurance policies may not be taken out.


Read more about travel insurance here.

It is possible to apply for an SDU credit card if you do not wish to incur personal expenses for travel activities, etc.


You can apply for an SDU credit card by filling out the form below and returning it to the DBM finance team.


An SDU credit card must never be used for personal purchases or lent to others.
After a purchase, you have a maximum of 8 days to reconcile it in zExpense.

Read more about SDU credit card here.

Find the application form here.


If you cannot find the information on DBM's SDUnet page, please look at SDUnet here.

For any queries, please contact the DBM financial team for further information or assistance.

Last Updated 21.01.2025