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Here you can find relevant departments or persons for questions regarding data protection and information security at SDU. In the box on the right, you will find a comprehensive list of relevant departments at SDU.

If you find something is missing from these pages, or if you have suggestions for improvements, please contact SDU Digital, Compliance

The GDPR and information security coordinators constitute the daily local anchoring of the data protection and information security efforts at SDU. They act as local advisers, and will therefore be your first point of contact regarding issues related to data protection and information security.

The GDPR and information security coordinators for the faculties: 

Sabine G. Hildebrand (GDPR and information security) 

Herunder eScience Center: Bjørn Høj Jakobsen (GDPR and information security) 

Rune Nørgaard Jørgensen (information security)

Anne Mette Kargaard (GDPR and information security)

Tina Skoubo Elcer (information security)

Sanne Lefevre (GDPR)

Lena Haslestad Jeppesen (GDPR and information security)

Christian Hurup Hansen (GDPR and information security) 

The GDPR and information security coordinators for the Central Administration:

Gitte Thrane Christensen (GDPR) 

Pia Klokker (information security) 

Sladja Zoric (GDPR) 

Morten Lehm (information security)

Sena Zahirovic (GDPR and information security) 
Erik B. Madsen (GDPR and information security)
Jan Pedersen (GDPR and information security)
Henrik H. Hoffmark (GDPR and information security)
Josephine Sille Falch Stokholm (GDPR and information security)

Maria Tværgaard (GDPR og information security)

Kurt Bilde (GDPR and information security)

Alexander Lund Faurschou (GDPR) 

Sofus Ryge Petersen (information security)

Majken Renneberg Lauvring (GDPR) 

Jesper Højgaard Kjær (information security)

Other contacts

An overview of other contacts

See here

Last Updated 17.04.2024