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The Faculty Administration

Flextime rules at TEK


The purpose of the flextime scheme is to promote flexibility for the individual employee taking into account the performance of work tasks.

In general

Covered by the scheme are contractually employed administrative employees in the faculty administration.

The employees have the right to place their working hours individually within the framework of the scheme and restrictions cf. below.

In special cases, the head of the secretariat can exempt employees from participating in the flextime scheme or grant restrictions in this at the suggestion of employees and management.

The rules do not entail changes in the management law, existing agreements, collective agreements and other rules on amount of working hours, extra/overtime, availability obligation, etc.

It is a joint responsibility of management and employees that the work is generally carried out within the period Monday – Thursday at 8.00 – 15.30 and Friday at 8.00 – 14.00. The flextime scheme must not lead to unnecessarily delay the work or make it difficult. It is therefore necessary for the employees to agree time off with the head of department/secretariat and mutually inform each other of intended absences, so that necessary functions can be performed.

Work hours

The standard working time for full-time employees is 37 hours per week. I.e., that it according to the collective agreements and the fixed working hours of the employment relationship, is distributed equally over the five working days of the week. For full-time employees, this is 7 hours and 24 minutes per day. For part-time employees, the working hours are fixed individually. A rest day for a full-time employee is 7 hours and 24 minutes regardless of the day. For part-time employees, the time off is calculated in a similar way.

Generally, the standard working hours should be placed within the period Monday - Thursday at 08.00 – 15.30 and Friday at 08.00-14.00.

Lunch is included in the 37 hours. Non-held lunch cannot be converted into corresponding free time.

Shortage and surplus of hours

The individual employee's flextime account is calculated at the end of each month. When calculating, one employee can at most have a 10-hour deficit and a 40-hour surplus compared to the standard working hours.

It is the responsibility of manager and employee to enter into agreements which ensure that any hours more than the maximum are converted into time off - including the date and extent of the time off. When calculating surplus, hours are counted one by one.

In special cases, the head of the secretariat can exempt the rule of 40 hours surplus compared to the standard working hours.

Settlement of saved time in the form of full flex days must always be agreed with the head of department/secretariat.

No cash compensation can be provided for time saved.

Upon resignation, any surplus or deficit must be offset before the time of resignation. Profits that have not been offset before resignation cannot be expected to be paid out separately. However, a deal can be made with the head of the secretariat in connection with the handing in of notice of termination, for example regarding completion and delivery of tasks etc.

Additional/overtime work

For employees without an availability obligation, it is only overtime when it is done by order from management, and the work is outside the employee's normal working hours.

The flextime scheme is not affected by ordered extra/overtime. Overtime is paid according to the applicable collective agreement.

Academic staff's availability obligation is not affected by the flextime scheme. Availability hours is not included in the flextime. Overtime is attached according to the applicable collective agreement.


Registration is normally done via the access control terminals.

If the registrations do not correspond to the actual working hours, the employee can subsequently within a month make the necessary corrections via own PC. This must be done before the flextime accounting is submitted to the head of department/secretariat and accompanied by an email stating the reason to the immediate manager.

Other registrations can only be changed by the Service Department.

Each month, all employees hand in a printout of the flexible time account to head of department/head of secretariat, who signs and keeps the printout.

Entry into force

The scheme comes into force on the 1st of February 2010

Transitional arrangement

In connection with the introduction of the flextime scheme, a plan for implementation must be drawn up in each department of any previously saved time. The plan must be drawn up between the employee and his immediate manager and must be available no later than January 14th 2010. Time saved that has not been completed when the scheme comes into force, and which are within the flextime scheme's hourly limits are entered into the electronic flextime system.


The scheme is evaluated in the cooperation committee after one year and then every two years.

Termination of the flextime scheme

The flextime scheme can be terminated by both the A-side and the B-side in the Cooperation Committee with 6 months' notice for a January 1st or July 1st. The arrangement can be terminated by the AC group and the HK group for their own subject group.


These rules have been approved by the Cooperation Committee:

Per Michael Johansen, Chairman
Ole Wernberg, Deputy Chairman

Last Updated 14.08.2023