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The Faculty Administration


The catering rules applies in both Sønderborg and Odense and must be followed by all institutes/units including the Faculty Administration.


Internal meetings/seminars:

Internal meetings/seminars include all meetings and seminars where the participants are SDU-employees no matter if it is TEK-employees, employees from other faculties or from SDU central administration.

  • You cannot order catering.
  • You are welcome to bring coffee/tea/water from the kitchen. Meeting attendees should bring drinks for their own consumption.

External meetings/events:

Includes all meetings and events with participants from outside SDU such as private companies or other public bodies.

  • You cannot order catering.
  • You are welcome to bring coffee/tea/water from the kitchen. The meeting organizer brings the coffee etc. unless other arrangements has been made.
  • Lunch can be ordered for longer meetings where a lunch serving is needed (5-6 hour meeting around noon).

It is not allowed to order anything else from the canteen unless it is approved by your immediate manager.

Any catering must always be within the general SDU rules. The rules in Danish can be found here:

Internal Circular on Entertainment Dinners, Receptions and Gifts

Last Updated 14.08.2023