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The Faculty Administration

Building Reconstructions and Installations

Acquisitions of machines etc. and need for installation or reconstruction

If you need more space or reconstruction of, for example, a laboratory or installation of equipment or machines, you will find guidelines and templates for your requests here.

Guidline for the acquisition of machinery and equipment

If you can answer yes to points 1 and/or 2 below, this guideline must be followed. The new machinery and equipment that is considered:
1. Brings a new risk.
2. Entails the need for reconstructions to the buildings and/or installations

--> Download guidelines for the acquisition of machines and equipment here (PDF)

Please note: If the planned investments exceed DKK 100,000, please see Appendix 4 in Best Practices for Acquiring Machines and Equipment.

If the planned investments exceed DKK 500,000, you must pay particular attention to complying with SDU's Accounting Instructions BEFORE you make the investment. See more here (especially Appendix 14): SDU's Accounting Instructions (in Danish only).

Primary contact persons at TEK

TEK Building Committee:

Kirsten Præstegaard

Jesper Bergholdt Sørensen
T:  6550 7493

Susanne Pia Arnsted
T: 6550 7378

Especially for TEK Sønderborg:

Wishes for rooms  / facilities / changes to rooms and buildings that come in from users at SDU in Sønderborg are reported via the following link:  

Wishes must be substantiated and documented; please include relevant attachments.

TEK Purchasing:

Odense and Overall TEK Purchasing Co-ordinator

Richard Beck 
T: 6550 3588


Lars Bjerrum
T: 6550 8393

TEK Working environment organisation:

Find your local working environment group here: Health and Safety Groups at SDU


Guides and templates

Request for space

If the department needs more space indoors or outdoors, use this form. See instructions in the form.
--> Download the request form for space indoors or outdoors here

 Request for reconstruction of buildings, installations etc.
This form is used for larger tasks that require changes to the buildings and/or installations:

- Affects overall space utilization at TEK.
- Requires changes to e.g. ventilation, drainage, the building's supplies, etc.
- Affects the surroundings (e.g. due to noise, vibrations, emissions)*.

--> Download request form for reconstructions/installations here

* Please note that regulations in Denmark are sometimes stricter than in other countries. 

  Checklist for new acquisitions and installations

This checklist must be completed already in the planning phase before the acquisition of equipment that requires changes to the buildings  or installations/supplies, or that affect the working environment or the surrounding environment.

--> Download checklist here

 Find templates for risk assessments here
--> MS Team's lab files (only access for TEK)


Last Updated 14.08.2023