On September 1, 2020, the new holiday rules came into force and you switched to concurrent holidays.
The new holiday rules mean that you as an employee can in future take a holiday as you earn a holiday (concurrent holiday). Holidays are earned from 1 September to 31 August (holiday year).
The holiday can be taken at the same time as earning and 16 months ahead, ie. holding takes place in the period from 1 September - 31 December (holiday holding period).
You will continue to earn 2.08 vacation days per. month ie. 25 days holiday per year.
The Special Holiday Allowance
The special holiday allowance is a holiday supplement and amounts to 2.02 percent.
The special holiday allowance is paid twice a year with the salary for May and August.
Further information about the new holiday rules
- What does the new holiday law mean to me? (fact sheets from the Ministry of Employment - in Danish only).
- Overview of the new holiday law. (in Danish only).
- The State Holiday Guidance - December 2019 (In Danish only - external site) provides answers to questions regarding earning, holding, holiday barriers, payment, transfer, rules on resignation. (in Danish only).