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Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics

New employees at

Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics (IOB)

Practical information

Links og praktisk hjælp

It can be difficult to get an overview at the beginning. We have gathered some practical information and links that we hope can help you.

IT help:
The Service Desk (SDU IT) can help you if you have problems with your computer, or if you are unsure about something regarding IT. You can either call, write to them, or go down to their service office and get help (Gydehutten).
Tlf: 6550 2990

Links for IT (self) help:
Guides, tools, and services
Guidelines for the use of IT for employees
Network access at SDU (søg på "netværk" i søgefeltet)
Change password
Operational status on SDU IT
Software portal (software download - Endnote, Nvivo, SPSS, Stata BE)

SDU handbook:
 In the SDU employee handbook, you will be able to find help and explanation for the most common SDU things. The information is general for SDU. Therefore, you should be aware that there may be specific contact persons/guidelines for IOB e.g. for holidays, purchases, travel expenses etc. Here you will be able to find information on IOB-intra (IOB's intranet).

Practical things:

Calendar - what’s happening at SDU
SDU maps-  search for classrooms and labs
Find person at SDU
Letters and parcels


Til dig, som er nyansat

SDU byder dig velkommen på deres hjemmeside for nyansatte! Læs om praktiske og administrative forhold, som er nyttige at kende i dit daglige arbejde på SDU.

Læs mere

Last Updated 05.07.2024