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Requests to deviate from the policy

As automatic forwarding of emails poses a security risk to SDU, the committee on information security and data protection has decided that automatic forwarding of emails is no longer permitted – with the exception of email domains included in the tunnel mailing list.

The Committee consists of representatives from across SDU, and a pragmatic solution has therefore been found that partly meets SDU’s needs and obligations in terms of security, and partly meets local needs to make use of automatic forwarding of emails. 

However, SDU acknowledges that there is no detailed knowledge of each and every practice and need at SDU, which is why it is possible to seek exemption from the overall policy. This is only possible if there are particularly compelling reasons for doing so. 

Please engage with your local GDPR and/or information security coordinator if you believe you have particularly compelling reasons for seeking exemption from the policy on automatic email forwarding. Team Security will process any requests.

Last Updated 20.06.2023