In a world of ever-increasing connectivity, talk of ‘globalism’ has become the default setting for academic research: we speak of the global Middle Ages, global modernism, the global South, and so on. And yet at the political level, the world is actually deglobalizing, with the hardening of borders and increasing emphasis on national priorities. National Epics, a project I am currently editing for OUP, takes the opportunity to examine the cultural mechanics of nationalism. Each of over one hundred contributors have been asked: what is the national epic of ‘your’ (assigned) nation? When was the choice made to recognize your key text in this way, how was it curricularized, and how well is this choice holding up today? In France, for example, it was made compulsory by Act of Parliament, in the late 19th century, for the Chanson de Roland to be studied in every French school; how, if at all, is such a text taught today in the multi-faith schools of Paris? ‘Epic’ is of course a weighted, westernized term, but there are equivalent terms elsewhere: the Mahabharata (with the Ramayana) has effectively been the ‘national epic’ of India for two millennia; the Kenyan writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o turned to epic form, with his The Perfect Nine, as recently as 2020. The presentation on 18 September will be relatively brief, hoping to generate broad-ranging discussion and working from the National Epics website. This is publicly accessible: just click on any nation that interests you for a 300-word chapter summary, plus suggestive image.About David WallaceDavid Wallace holds the Judith Rodin Chair of English at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a prominent literary historian who has broken out of the national paradigm in innovative ways. He has published widely on late medieval English literature, and his collaborative project which resulted in the two-volume Europe – A Literary History 1348-1418 (Oxford UP, 2016) is highly acclaimed. He is now editing a global literary history, National Epics, which focuses on national literatures in a large chronological and comparative frame – from Homer to the present day._____________Venue: The DIAS Auditorium (V24-501a-0)OPEN FOR ALL - NO REGISTRATION NEEDED.
What can public health policy and practice gain from arts and humanities research?Indeed, should the two be considered as separate?How and where do public health and the humanities combine, and what can be done to promote further interaction?This two-day conference explores these questions. It includes speakers from a range of disciplines and geographiccontexts from cultural studies to anthropology and from Nigeria to Denmark.With support from the Danish Institute for Advance Study and the Wellcome Trust.Venue: DIAS Auditorium (V24-501a-0)This event requires formal registration.Go to registration page.For more information, email Gareth Millward ([email][/email]).
Dette års særlige fokus: Vejledning
Dette års særlige fokus: Vejledning
Vi er stolte over at præsentere næste trivselsarrangement i rækken under overskriften Klog på Trivsel - Skamfuld (mis)trivsel.
Arrangementet 'Klog på trivsel' er din mulighed for at engagere dig i trivselsdiskussionen på SDU sammen med andre studerende og ansatte. Del dine perspektiver og idéer om fællesskab og trivsel, og vær med til at skabe et bedre universitetsmiljø for os alle.Transportudgifter?Er du studerende og indskrevet på en campus uden for Odense, tilkendegiver du via tilmeldingsformularen hvilken, så vi kan kontakte dig ifm. godtgørelse af dine transportudgifter.
Den danske medieproduktionsbranche har været sat under pres de seneste år. Nu skal den så også bidrage mere til den grønne omstilling og interessere sig for EU's såkaldte ESG-parametre. Det vil branchen gerne. Men hvordan sker det bedst? Hvad siger branchen selv om de forhindringer og forandringer, den ser? Hvordan inspirerer og støtter man hinanden ift. både produktionsprocesser og selve fortællingerne, der relaterer til bæredygtighed? Forskningsprojektet ”Green Media Production Development” har undersøgt netop dét. Sammen med branchefolk er projektet nu klar med ny viden, oplæg og dialog.Filmskolen præsenterer, i samarbejde med Vision Denmark & SDU, ny bæredygtighedsviden fra projektet ”Green Media Production Development.” Projektet har - for Vision Denmark - undersøgt forhindringer og mulige forandringer i den danske medieproduktionsbranche. Det er sket i samarbejde mellem virksomhederne Produced By, TV 2, Growing Stories, Klima Isolering samt Syddansk Universitet (SDU).Seminaret adresserer emner som: bæredygtig ledelse, talentudvikling, motivation, sustainable storytelling, produktionsformer, ESG-parametre, fælles vidensdeling og vilde vanebrud. Du får det nyeste nye fra forskningen i bæredygtig medieproduktion samt præsenteres for et helt nyt Forandringsidekatalog, som du kan tage med hjem og lade dagligdagen med film og serier inspirere af.Kom og bland dig i bæredygtighedsdebatten.Seminaret er for skabere, virksomheder, talenter, ledere mv. relateret til medieproduktionsbranchen og finder sted på Den Danske Filmskole, Theodor Christensens Plads 1, 1437 København K.
Sidst opdateret: 27.07.2024