The purpose of the Dialogue Forum is:
- to maintain a good dialogue across the Faculty Administration in regard to create the best possible administration and a good working environment.
- to create a common forum where the employees of the Faculty Administration gets the opportunity to propose and discuss ideas as well as participating actively in a dialogue concerning priorities and strategic considerations for the administration.
- to qualify iniatives etc. as well as creating ownership and invigoration of projects etc.
- to create commitment and to enhance the cohesion in the Faculty Administration and expand competencies within collaboration, management and administration.
- The Dialogue Forum is formed ad hoc in relation to specific initiatives or subjects.
- The Dialogue Forum is formed on temporary basis.
- Everyone can pose suggestions for subjects through the PA of the Head of Secretariat.
- Participants are the Head of Departments and those employees who wish to participate in the discussions of the current subjects for the Dialogue Forum.
- The meetings are facilitated by the Head of Departments.
- The minutes from the meetings are sent out no later than two weeks after the meeting.
Previous subjects for the Dialogue forum:
- Implementation of TEK strategies in the Faculty Administration.
- Annual Activity Plan.
- Welfare during Covid and welfare groups.
- Principles for remote work post Covid.
If you wish to know more about Dialogue Forum you are welcome to contact Mie Fredenslund,