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Generative AI

Guidance on Efficient Use of Generative AI for Administrative Tasks at SDU

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a type of artificial intelligence that generates new content based on existing data. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, generative AI decodes patterns in existing text, images and numbers and uses these to generate new text.

In this way, the wide range of tools that use generative AI, such as Microsoft’s Copilot, can act as a communication partner. If you ask a question (called a ‘prompt’) the tool uses patterns in the texts it has been trained on to suggest an answer.

Used correctly, generative AI is a valuable tool for streamlining and automating administrative tasks. However, along with the possibilities come a number of pitfalls and security risks that are important to be aware of. We hope this site will be a place where we at SDU can collectively gather useful knowledge and learning experiences about the use of generative AI in an administrative context.

If you have any requests or ideas for content, don’t hesitate to send an email to the AI editorial team:

Last Updated 27.05.2024