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The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

Development Plan for SAMF Educational Communication 2023

In alignment with the Faculty's strategic objectives and vision, the unit will focus on the following through targeted communication efforts, with a basis in "the student's journey":

  • Enhancing the relevance, visibility, and promotion of our programmes to the surrounding community.
  • Providing information to our students, especially during transition phases and critical semester periods throughout their education.
Our development focus in 2023 includes:

With a continued commitment to providing high-quality service, leveraging our expertise, and developing and optimizing our solutions, we will work on our recruitment and education websites at BSS. Specifically, we will address a new governance structure, a reorganisation, and clarify roles and responsibilities. Special attention will also be given to our outreach activities, where SDU Take Over will extend its presence to all SDU campuses in 2023.

Given the declining number of young students and an increased need for targeted communication and marketing, we will place greater emphasis on our marketing campaigns, channels, budget management, and in-house production of creative content in 2023. Through close collaboration with stakeholders within and outside the unit, we will work on initiatives aimed at ensuring a strong start for our new programs, both full-time and part-time. Additionally, we recognize the need to explore new opportunities and initiatives within our portfolio areas, such as internationalization, admissions, and the entire field of Life Long Learning (LLL). All of this will occur while the unit's employees continue to learn and develop in a "new normal" within a flexible workplace environment.

Last Updated 11.09.2023