Tasks of the Academic Council
The Academic Council has the following tasks, which are stipulated in the University Act and SDU’s statutes:
- Awarding PhDs and doctoral degrees.
- To make recommendations to the Rector or the person authorised by the Rector on the composition of expert committees to assess applicants for academic positions.
- To make recommendations to the Rector or to the person authorised by the Rector about the internal distribution of funding.
- To make recommendations to the Rector or the person authorised by the Rector about key areas of strategic research and education and plans for knowledge exchange.
- To make recommendations about all academic matters of significance for the activities of the University. The Academic Council has an obligation to discuss academic matters put forward by the Rector.
In addition, the Academic Council has the task of discussing and advising Faculty Management in matters relevant to the development of the Faculty, its organisation and finances. This includes:
- The Faculty’s work on development and strategy for research, education and knowledge exchange.
- The Faculty’s contribution to the University’s development contract.
- The organisation of the Faculty.
- The quality assurance of the Faculty.
- Finances and budget.
- Employment policy in relation to education and research.
- The physical and social framework for employees and students.
- Student environment and well-being, including dropout rate.
- Management decisions.
Composition of the Academic Council
The Academic Council is made up of five academic staff, three students and the Dean. In addition, three technical-administrative employees participate in the processing of cases relating to non-academic matters. In the processing of cases relating to academic matters, the technical-administrative staff participate as observers. Following a recommendation from the heads of studies, representative of the Faculty’s heads of studies is appointed by the Dean to attend the meetings as an observer.
At the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, it has also been decided that the Vice-Dean for Research, the Head of the PhD School and the Vice-Chair of the PhD Committee will attend the meetings as observers.
Composition as of 1 January 2025
Academic staff
- Thomas Barnebeck Andersen, professor, Department of Economics
- Matthias Döring, associate professor, Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Kim Klyver, professor, Department of Business and Sustainability
- Mette Præst Knudsen, professor, Department of Business & Management (chair)
- Kristina Siig, professor WSR, Department of Law
- Steffen Korsgaard, professor (1st substitute), Department of Business and Sustainability
- Alexander Schandlbauer, associate professor (2st substitute), Department of Business & Management
- Christina Pontoppidan, cadjunk (3st substitute), Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Chiara De Franco, associate professor (4st substitute), Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Nicole Franziska Richter, professor, (5st substitute), Department of Business & Management
- Ibrahim Fadi El-Hassan
- Jacob Feldborg Andersen
- Nordin Robin Laursen
Administrative staff
- Gitte Hegner, administrative officer, Department of Business and Sustainability
- Johanna Süssmeir, project manager, Dean's Office - Business and Social Sciences
- Dorthe Sjørslev Rasmussen, specialist consultant, Student Administration
Dean’s Office
- Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose, Dean
- Kristin B. Munksgaard (observer), Vice-Dean for Funding and External Relations
- Christian Kronborg, Head of Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
- Jørgen T. Lauridsen, Head of PhD School, Professor, Department of Economics
- Miriam Lykke Jensen, PhD student, Vice Chairperson of the PhD Committee, Department of Economy
- Anne Lindeløv, Specialist Consultant, Dean’s Office – Business and Social Sciences
Meetings of the Academic Council
Find agendas and minutes from past and forthcoming meetings in Danish below.
The meetings are generally public. Contact the Academic Council’s Secretary for further information.
8 February: Agenda, Minutes
5 April: Agenda, Minutes
5 May: Agenda, Memorandum (with consultation notice)
7 June: Agenda, Minutes
6 September: Agenda, Minutes
25 October: Agenda, Minutes
13 December: Agenda, Minutes
21st February: Inaugural Agenda, Inaugural Minutes, Ordinary Agenda, Ordinary Minutes
21st March: Minutes (extraordinary)
18th April: Agenda, Minutes
24th April: Minutes (extraordinary)
22nd May: Minutes (extraordinary)
13th June: Agenda, Minutes
Link to agendas and minutes of meetings held before 2022.
Rules of Procedure
Read more about the formal framework for the Council’s activities in the Rules of Procedure (in Danish).