Annual dates and deadlines for internal applications and administrative tasks
Strategy and policies
Pure and personal data
The PhD Programme under the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
Agendas and meetings
Supervisors' duties
The PhD Programme in Journalism
The PhD Programme in Political Science
Welcoming pamphlet to new PhD students
Pure in general
Guides to Pure
What should be registered in Pure?
Teaching portfolio at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
SDU profil
Strategy for the Department 2022-2026
Strategy for The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
Gender Equality Strategy
Scholarly Qualification Matrix
Recruitment Policy
Recruitment Process
The Department's Staff Policy
SDU's Staff Policy (only in Danish)
Open Science Policy
Concept for individual analysis numbers
Organizational structure
Organizational chart
Academic Council
University Council
Department Council
Scientific Advisory Panel
PhD Committee at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
Study Board for Political Science, Journalism, Sociology and European Studies (only in Danish)
The Board at Center for Journalism (only in Danish)
PhD Course Committee
Employee Portal
for employees at the Department of Political Science and Public Management
Employee handbook