The rules for borrowing and renting SDU's premises are listed below.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Technical Service at
The Rectorate has decided that it will no longer be possible to hire out rooms on SDU’s campuses for the purpose of conducting direct exam preparation activities or other commercial activities aimed at exam preparation. This applies to both student associations and other companies and organisations, etc. Rooms can still be hired out for academic events.
§ 1 These regulations cover all of the University of Southern Denmark’s (SDU) teaching and conference rooms, including Campus Square in Odense and similar common areas. Rooms located in and administered by departments and centres are also covered by the regulations.
The purpose of the regulations is to ensure that the University’s premises are primarily used for University-related purposes and that rooms are not borrowed or hired on terms that are a distortion of competition in relation to companies whose area of business is hiring out premises and organising meetings, conferences and the like.
Therefore, the rooms may not be used for any kind of private event, regardless of any affiliation the organiser may have with the University, and may not be used for events that incite violence, racism, discrimination or other activities/subjects that may bring the University into disrepute or which in other ways are not in accordance with the academic spirit of the University.
This means that SDU does not permit the holding of events that encourage or support violence, racism or discrimination, for instance, in terms of gender, religion or ethnicity. This also means that SDU does not permit the organisation of activities that are in violation of Danish law. Finally, this means that the organiser of an event must respect the academic spirit of the University in the form of the academic freedoms declared in SDU’s official statement on freedom of research, freedom of teaching and freedom of debate and expression, and that there is the possibility of facilitating critical academic debate when organising events at SDU.
In connection with the rental/loan of SDU premises, the organiser must sign an application form stating that the organiser will comply with the above rules and will act upon them when organising the event. If an organiser has not provided their signature agreeing to comply with the above rules, SDU will not approve the application. If SDU finds that the rules have not been observed at an event, SDU may deny the organiser the possibility of future rental, loan and use of premises.
§2 The premises can only be borrowed/hired if they are not being used for activities in the University’s ordinary course of business, as the University has a preferential right to use all premises.
Subsection 2: Applications for loan/hire must include information about the purpose of the event, department/centre/section and the name of the responsible organiser.
Subsection 3: Private devices can access the internet via SDU’s wireless guest network.
§ 3 Premises can be loaned free of charge for events for which employees, enrolled students or staff organisations at the University of Southern Denmark are responsible.
Subsection 2: To be covered by exemption from hire under Subsection 1:
- the event must be a natural part of the University’s ordinary business activities
- the organiser must notify the relevant department/centre/section or organisation of the event, and the responsible contact person must be stated in the application
- the organisation must either tidy up, clean, etc. themselves or have entered into another agreement to this effect when entering into the hire agreement
- the application must be submitted by an employee or student at the University of Southern Denmark. When premises (classrooms, canteen areas and Friday bars) are loaned out for party events, a loan agreement must be signed, a deposit must be paid and a minimum of two hours of cleaning must be paid for. The University’s premises cannot be borrowed/hired for any kind of private party, neither by students, employees nor persons with any other connection to the University.
§ 4 Premises may be hired for events that are not covered by the University’s ordinary business activities and that are not organised by employees, enrolled students or others associated with the University as the primary organiser.
Subsection 2: For such events, a premises hire fee is payable, which includes cleaning and use of standard audiovisual (AV) equipment. A charge is imposed for the use of hired AV equipment according to the applicable loan/hire terms and conditions.
Subsection 3: Applications for hire/loan must be submitted using the form ‘Application for loan, hire and use of the University of Southern Denmark’s premises’ with information about the purpose, content and target group of the event. You can find the application form in the menu items under the type of user you are.
§ 5 These regulations are managed by Technical Services, which will settle any matters of dispute.
Subsection 2: Exemption from the regulations requires authorisation from the Rector.
Renting a stand at SDU
It is possible to rent a stand at SDU.
If you would like to rent a stand pleast contact Technical Services via
A stand costs DKK 500 per hour.
Authorisation to use a stand is granted under the following conditions:
- No signatures may be collected, whether binding or non-binding, including subscription agreements
- No products sold by the canteen at SDU may be distributed without prior agreement with the canteen. Find the contact information here
- No sales activities are permitted
- No technical devices may be used at the stand without prior approval from Technical Services, with a maximum of two technical devices per stand. Technical Services can be contacted at
- Only roll-ups and other printed material produced at Graphics Center at SDU may be used. This ensures that the materials meet the approved fire safety certifications. The materials can be ordered here
- No carpets of any kind may be used at the stand
- No banners or similar decorations may be hung on walls or ceilings
- Activities promoting violence, racism, discrimination, or other topics/actions that could discredit the university or otherwise contradict its academic values are strictly prohibited
- No activities that could cause discomfort or insecurity for individuals at the university are allowed
- Activities must not disrupt normal traffic flow at the university
- No furniture, equipment, roll-ups, or similar items may be placed in evacuation routes. For clarification on evacuation routes, contact Technical Services at
- A stand must not exceed 2x2 meters in size
- A minimum distance of 1.3 meters must be maintained between each stand to ensure clear evacuation routes and to prevent the spread of fire by radiation
Click here to open a printable version of Rules for stands at the University of Southern Denmark
Click here to open a print-friendly version of the Rules for borrowing/renting University of Southern Denmark premises