Hi everyone, I am Carolin and joint SIF just recently as an assistant professor for public health.
Although my background is in (clinical) psychology, I dedicate my research to studying the epidemiology and public health consequences of alcohol use. I am particularly interested in understanding social inequalities in alcohol-related health outcomes, including alcohol's harm to others, and alcohol policy.
Over the last couple years, I was involved in various European and international projects and recently completed my post-doctorate at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada. I am now very much looking forward to establishing my own little research group at SIF to delve deeper into the study of social inequalities in health and public health policy.
You can find me on the second floor, where I am located with my colleagues from the research group Epidemiology and Intervention. As I also hold a position at DIAS on SDU's campus in Odense, I won't be in the office every day. Nevertheless, please feel very welcome to get in touch with me.
I am always keen to have lively discussions about alcohol and health policy, nerdy methods talks (esp. on R and data visualizations) and to learn more about the life in Denmark. For now, I am afraid though, we have to stick to English (or German, as I am still working on my Danish skills).