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Meeting places for activities at The Activity Day:

You can find the meeting places for activities on the various campuses here. Meeting places are marked with a red ring.

If you are participating in a virtual walk 'n' talk or in a walk 'n' talk without a moderator, you can choose your own meeting place.


Wednesday, May 12th SDU invites you to an outdoor activity event – at all campuses and online – that you certainly do not want to miss!

Join a day of activity and get inspiration on how to use the outside to move more. The event will focus on outside activities only to allow you to get away from the four walls of your home office - either by taking part in the activities onsite or online. 

The Activity Day is part of the project ‘SDU Moves’, which aims to integrate Active Living as part of our workday at SDU. The Activity Day is a scientific and educational event where you can contribute with the gathering of data to ‘SDU Moves’ and help enhance the training of the students at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics.

The Activity Day takes place May 12th, 2021 and will be split up into three sessions:

  • Session 1) 11 o’clock a.m. to 11:45
  • Session 2) 12 o’clock to 12:45
  • Session 3) 1 o’clock p.m. to 1:45.


The day will have a distinct focus on the walking meeting (walk 'n’ talk). This applies to all campuses as well as virtually. As part of the activity, and to establish the walking meeting as a new and acknowledged supplement to the well-known seated meetings, data and experiences with this specific meeting form will be collected. 

In the open green area at Campus Odense, you will also have the opportunity to try some student-driven activities which focus on active outdoor life. Get inspired to obtain a more active outdoor life and test ideas, such as Stratego in the forest, nature bingo or teamwork in the outdoors, in collaboration with the students from Sports and Health. 

Find the detailed program of the day below.                                                                                              


The Activity Day will be carried out following the rules given by the governmental authorities (read more here). Therefore, the following rules apply: 

  • Only 2-4 people may participate in the same walk 'n’ talk.
  • A max. of 20 pers. may attend the active outdoor life activities at a time.
  • There will be pauses between the different sessions to prevent crowds.
  • Employees who show up physically at SDU must be able to document a negative coronatest. Find more on the rapid antigen test facilities at SDU here.
  • It is voluntary to participate in the Activity Day. 

We hope to see you!

’SDU Moves’ hope that you will spend an hour or two of your workday in the greater good of health and research. 



Active outdoor life: Participate in a student-engaged activity that focuses on what kind of movement you can do outdoors. Let the students surprise you and help you have a fun day with outside moving.


Walk 'n’ talk with a moderator on campus: Attend a walking meeting on campus facilitated by a moderator (the moderator will be one of your SDU colleagues), who will discuss one of the following themes:


  1. Walk 'n’ talk as a way of carrying out meetings at SDU
  2. Where are we going with the ’SDU Moves’ project
  3. What do you think about going back to work on campus after COVID-19?

Walk 'n’ talk without moderator on campus: Attend a walking meeting with, for example, a colleague on campus. You can try out some of the walking routes at your campus. Find the tracks here. Please register so that we can send you a form in which you can fill in your experiences with the walking meeting. 


Walk 'n’ talk online: Walk and talk with a colleague where you talk over the phone or sign into Teams or Zoom. You can download both Teams and Zoom as an app to your smartphone. Please register to receive a form in which you can fill in your experiences with the walking meeting. 

We recommend that you wear sensible shoes and clothes made for outdoor activities.
Monday May 10th 2021 (10 o'clock a.m.)

Last Updated 03.07.2024