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Preparation of the recruitment process

Several key questions should be answered in the preparation of a new recruitment process. What are the conditions for advertising the position?  Who can expect to be involved in the process? What requirements does the new employee have to meet? What are absolutely essential skills – and what skills are desirable? And how are they best uncovered in the process?

The development of a concrete recruitment plan may include considerations about:

The environment in which the search is to be targeted (the working and research environment), how broadly it can/should be targeted, and the link to other relevant existing environments

The link between the vacant position and the unit’s strategy and objectives, including

  • how the new employee is expected to match or complement current objectives
  • how the new employee can expect to be involved in strategy and development work

The need for specific skills of candidates, including

  • For VIP: specific skills in teaching, research dissemination, international experience, fundraising. See also qualification matrix, if applicable.
  • For TAP: specific professional skills, systems knowledge, university sector experience, operational and/or development experience, language skills, collaboration experience.

Need for specific personal skills and profile of candidates, including personal characteristics such as particularly collaborative, robust, outgoing, conflict-solving, seeks out sparring, proactive, independent, analytical, etc.

Need for use of additional tools in the process to identify candidate characteristics and matches, including

  • Use of shortlisting
  • Test in first or second interview 
  • Solution of case assignment in connection with first or second interview
  • Visit and possible test lecture

The above evaluations should be reflected in the content of the job advertisement, which should accordingly be drafted on the basis of the preliminary analysis of the content and skills requirements of the position. In this way, a potential candidate will be well informed about expectations, both in relation to the position and what they may encounter in the recruitment process.

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Last Updated 03.07.2024