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From associate professor to professor – SDU's promotion programme

SDU wants to attract, retain and develop scientific talent so that SDU can fulfil its core tasks in research, teaching and dissemination. SDU therefore aims to be competitive as an attractive workplace. The promotion programme is one of several possible career paths in the transition from associate professor to professor.

The length and content of the programme depends on the associate professor’s experience and the needs for skills development. Also, the programme can be offered both to currently employed associate professors and to new recruits for associate professorships; for these, admission to the promotion programme can be included.

Admission process for currently employed associate professors

The employed associate professor enters into dialogue with their head of section or head of department to align their possible suitability, timing of application for programme admission, etc. The dialogue can also be initiated by the head of department, e.g. in connection with the annual performance and development review.
The employed associate professor applies for admission to the programme via the head of department. The application must contain the usual application material for professorships, including teaching portfolio and promotion plan.
The head of department assesses the associate professor’s application, including the associate professor’s potential to be assessed as suitable for professorship, the associate professor’s match with the strategic planning and prioritisations of the department and faculty, etc. The head of department submits their assessment to the dean, with an indication of the head of department’s recommendation for admission or refusal of the application. Following dialogue with the head of department, the dean conclusively assesses and approves whether the associate professor’s application should proceed to review.

The head of department puts together a review group consisting of one internal and two external members. The head of department is not part of the review group. The group is to be put together following the same principles as an assessment committee for a professorship, including with regard for the group’s competence and the group’s representation of genders.

The head of department submits the application material and promotion plan to the review group. The group prepares a written statement indicating the group’s assessment of the associate professor’s suitability and the review group’s recommendation for admission or refusal. The statement is sent to the head of department and the applicant associate professor.

The head of department submits the review group’s statement to the dean. After dialogue with the head of department, the dean conclusively evaluates and approves whether the associate professor’s application should be accepted or declined.

The dean authorises and accepts/declines the application. The associate professor is informed about admission to the programme or the grounds for refusal.

Illustration of admission process for already employed associate professors

Admission process for new employees

The authorised employment manager decides that a possible admission to the promotion programme can be included in the posting of an associate professor position. The job posting must state that the position includes the possibility of admission to the promotion programme, that applicants wishing to be considered for the programme must submit a promotion plan, and that the assessment committee will assess the applicant’s potential to become a professor.
The application must contain the usual application material for associate professorship, including teaching portfolio. In addition, the material must include a promotion plan.
After the expiry of the posting, recruitment takes place in accordance with the applicable rules and practices. The head of department assesses the use of a shortlist, etc.
The assessment committee is composed according to applicable rules and practices If some applicants have applied for admission to the promotion programme, the assessment committee will be composed on the same principles as an assessment committee for a professorship. The committee assesses, for example, the applicant’s potential to acquire professorial competences. Assessments are arranged and approved in accordance with the applicable rules and practices.
Selection, interviews, etc. proceed according to the applicable rules and practices. Possible admission to and content of the promotion programme are discussed with selected applicants, inter alia, on the basis of the applicant’s promotion plan.

In connection with the appointment, the dean conclusively evaluates and approves whether the newly hired associate professor should be admitted to the programme.

Illustration of admission process for associate professors recruited to associate professorships in which admission to the promotion programme can be included

From start-up to professorial assessment

The start-up of the programme is conducted in dialogue between the associate professor and the head of department and will include establishing the expected length of the programme. The programme should run for at least two years and can be a maximum of eight years. At start-up, the associate professor also establishes their promotion portfolio.
During the programme, progress should be ensured through annual discussions between the associate professor and their head of department and/or head of section regarding the associate professor’s acquisition of skills and updating the associate professor’s promotion portfolio, preferably in the context of the performance and development review. The head of department and associate professor should also jointly assess whether the associate professor requires a mid-term evaluation.

This evaluation may replace the annual check-in conversation between the head of department and the associate professor during the year in question. The mid-term evaluation can be initiated if the associate professor is not deemed ready after 2 to 4 years to begin the final assessment. This is particularly relevant for newly hired associate professors.

The purpose is:

  • to evaluate the associate professor in relation to the objectives of the promotion portfolio
  • to ensure that the associate professor is on track to achieve a positive evaluation after completion of the promotion programme
  • to guide the associate professor in relation to planning the time remaining on the promotion programme

The head of department can establish an evaluation committee, preferably with 1–2 external members, who conduct an interview with the associate professor and prepare a written evaluation (not an assessment), which will be included in the associate professor’s promotion portfolio. The evaluation is a preliminary assessment of how much progress the associate professor has made. There may be cases in which the associate professor’s mid-term evaluation is so positive that the person concerned may, in agreement with the head of department, be nominated for the final assessment. If the evaluation shows that the associate professor is not performing satisfactorily, the associate professor still has the opportunity to rectify this before the final assessment.

Submission for evaluation must take place at least six months before the scheduled end of the programme – and thus no later than 7 ½ years after the start of the programme, in accordance with the maximum length of 8 years. The head of department will, after dialogue and agreement with the associate professor, nominate the associate professor for assessment.
An assessment committee shall be set up in accordance with the rules in force, including those on professional competence.

Transition to professorship requires a positive assessment that is approved by the dean. An associate professor can be assessed a maximum of two times during the promotion programme. In the event of negative assessment, the associate professor remains employed under the customary associate professor terms.

Illustration of the programme process for admitted associate professors (both internal and new employees)


Last Updated 03.07.2024