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Recruitment committee and initial meeting with applicants

Composition of the recruitment committee

The dean/head of department will put together a recruitment committee dedicated to each academic post advertised. Ideally, some of the members of the recruitment committee should be involved in the dialogue on the vacancy. The members of the committee also participate in job interviews, if any. The dean/head of department chairs the recruitment committee and takes the final decision on who is to be appointed to the vacancy.

In addition to the dean/head of department, the head of studies (or another staff member with equivalent teaching expertise) is a permanent member of the recruitment committee. In addition, the committee may be composed based on the following considerations regarding representation:

  • Representation of both junior and senior academic staff and possibly technical/administrative staff
  • Diversity representation, including gender and Danish/international staff
  • Representation of staff with knowledge of the research, teaching and administrative tasks of the position
  • Representation from other departments/faculties or other partners if the position involves (calls for) extensive collaboration

A broad recruitment committee will help to ensure that all priority competences from the job advertisement are addressed in an informed dialogue with the applicant. At the same time, a broad recruitment committee will help to ensure that more people from the department are committed to the new position and the new employee. Finally, it gives the applicant a good picture of the diversity of the department and its interest in the new employee.
When appointing the recruitment committee, it should be assessed whether the representatives concerned are actually able to be present during the preparatory meetings and job interviews. It is appropriate that all applicants meet the same recruitment committee as this increases the likelihood of equal treatment of applicants.

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Last Updated 03.07.2024