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Work anniversary at SDU

Employees celebrating 25, 40 or 50 years at SDU will receive an invitation to the rector’s joint anniversary reception. The reception will be held at the beginning of the year for everyone who has had an anniversary at SDU in the previous year. The anniversary recipient will in this connection also receive SDU’s official anniversary gift and a diploma.

The department/area may also offer to hold a reception or other event in connection with the employee’s anniversary at SDU (see SDU’s accounting instructions for official dinners, receptions and gifts).

Anniversary of working for the state

Employees who are celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th anniversary of working for the state will receive a congratulatory message from the rector as well as a bonus. If their duties permit, the employee may also take a day off (see SDU’s staff policy guidelines, section 2.9).

Last Updated 03.07.2024