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Maternity rotation

The opportunity for a temporary position often emerges when an employee takes maternity leave. Through the arrangement “maternity rotation”, the position can be opened for applicants within SDU and the applicant is promised the certainty of returning to one’sold position after the temporary position expires. A rotation offers the opportunity to work with similar or new functions other places in the organisation, try new tasks and contribute to an increased holistic understanding.


More on maternity rotation



No positions at the present


Application for temporary positions

1. Apply within the deadline given in the job advertisement

2. Send a short application + CV by mail to the contact person mentioned in the job advertisement


For executive who wishes to advertise a temporary position internally

1. Pay special attention to that the application deadline, the contact information, the length of the temporary position and the profession (HK, AC, laboratory technician or similar) are evident from the job advertisement.

2. The job advertisement must be send to

3. The executive is contact person on the job advertisement, and will receive requests and applications within the deadline.

4. The executive convenes relevant applicants for a short interview, and gives other potential applicants a rejection shortly after the deadline.    

Last Updated 03.07.2024