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Other psychological services

Consultancy assistance for the psychological work environment and well-being in SDU HR, Work Environment and Development

The Consultancy Team and the Work Environment Team in SDU HR, Work Environment and Development can be booked to prevent and counsel regarding:

  • Psychological work environment and well-being
  • Stress and pressure at work
  • Conflicts and failure to thrive
  • Psychological well-being
  • Offensive behaviour
  • Sick leave – prevention, management, return to work


  • Work Environment Team
  • Consultancy Team: organisational consultant and psychologist Birgitte Aagaard Zethsen by phone 29 12 56 98.

Managers can request psychological counselling services from Falck

SDU has entered into a procurement agreement with Falck on psychological counselling, for instance:

  • Emergency psychological counselling and/or group consultations for acute crises.
  • Group consultations with 2 or more employees.
  • Tripartite interviews with manager and employee.

These psychological services must be requested by the unit manager. Falck’s psychological counselling service can be contacted at 70 10 20 12.
The unit’s EAN number must be provided when ordering, and the services are to be paid for by the unit.

If you have any questions about the agreement with Falck, please contact Charlotte Schönbeck, SDU HR.

Last Updated 03.07.2024