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The future digital platformes for recruting VIP and DVIP (project)

SDU Job will be replaced by ORC/HCM on 1 December 2023

As of 1 December 2023, VIP/DVIP recruitments with job postings will be digitally supported in ORC (Oracle Recruiting Cloud), which is part of SDU’s HR and finance system HCM (Human Capital Management). 

For academic staff (VIP), this means, among other things, that:

  • From 1 December, you will see your job postings in a new system.
  • You need to access applications and perform shortlisting in a new system.
  • You need to enter assessments in a new system. 
  • There are deadlines for posting and finalising postings in the current system SDU Job. Please contact your local HR staffer if you are unsure about deadlines at your faculty. 

For technical/administrative staff (TAP), this means, among other things, that:

  • You will be posting jobs and working in a new system.
  • You will need to use new templates and emails that support your work.
  • You must make sure to close both old and ongoing employment processes in SDU Job as soon as possible (and extract any data from SDU Job that is relevant going forward) no later than 20 December.
  • See the guide to the transition period and tasks for HR staff:

User training in ORC – VIP/DVIP with job posting
To ensure a smooth transition to ORC, we have organised a training course for the primary (and internal) user groups in the VIP recruitment process, i.e.: 

  • Course for internal assessment committees (members/chairs)
  • Course for HR employees at departments
  • Course for SDU HR Employees staff
  • Course for SDU HR Payroll staff 

Read more and sign up here:

Deans, recruitment committee members and applicants for academic positions will be able to find self-help guides on the recruitment pages on SDUnet as of December. 

Why the new system?
The reason is that the current recruitment system for academic staff at SDU will close on 31 December 2023. At the same time, recruitment processes at SDU are currently based on different systems, and the HR system landscape needs to be simplified.

VIP/DVIP without job postings
In parallel with VIP/DVIP appointments with job postings in ORC (which is the most complex and demanding process and therefore received our initial focus), SDU HR is working on implementing VIP/DVIP appointments without job postings in HCM. 

Contact and help
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your faculty coordinator or the project management team. 

Last Updated 03.07.2024