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Forums for co-determination and involvement at SDU

Co-determination and involvement at SDU takes place in the following fora:

Forums for co-determination and involvement at SDU

There are academic councils in each faculty to ensure co-determination and involvement in academic matters.
The health and safety organisation consists of health and safety groups at departmental and unit level, health and safety committees at main area level (the faculties and Central Administration) and the General Occupational Health and Safety Committee (GOHSC) at university level. In addition to identifying and solving existing health and safety problems and working to prevent new problems from arising, the GOHSC also has an important task in influencing colleagues to work continuously towards a good working environment.
The Executive Board is the University’s highest authority and is responsible for the overall and strategic management of the University.
The nominating body recommends new external members and the chair of the board to the appointing body. An internal member of the Board shall be appointed to the nominating body.
There is a department council at each department in order to involve employees and students in significant decisions at department level. The department council is responsible for advising the department’s management on matters of relevance to the development of the department, its organisation and finances.
There are a large number of bodies and committees where staff and students have the opportunity to participate and be involved in decisions at SDU.
PhD committees at each faculty must ensure the co-determination and involvement of PhD students and academic staff in education and teaching.
When appointing a rector, pro-rector, university director, deans or heads of department, a recruitment advisory committee is set up, containing representatives of the academic staff, technical and administrative staff, and students.
At SDU, a Central Liaison Committee has been established, as well as local liaison committees for all main areas (SDU’s five faculties and the Central Administration). The liaison committees are involved in day-to-day cooperation, mainly on work and staff matters.
The appointment body appoints external members and the chair of the board. Staff, students and external representatives are represented.
The University Council was formed in order to involve employees and students in significant decisions about day-to-day management.
The Election Committee is appointed to organise and conduct elections to the collegiate bodies. Academic staff, technical and administrative staff and students are represented.


Last Updated 03.07.2024