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The General Occupational Health and Safety Committee at SDU (HOAMU)

The committee co-ordinates collaboration about health and safety at the University of Southern Denmark and forms the basis for the rest of the health and safety organisation to carry out its work. The General Occupational Health and Safety Committee covers all of SDU’s geographical units and activities in Denmark.

The General Occupational Health and Safety Committee consists of four health and safety representatives, four management representatives, two student observers and the Rector as chair of the committee. The administrative requirements of the General Occupational Health and Safety Committee are carried out by the Occupational Health and Safety Office.

Please refer to the local agreement on the organisation of health and safety work at SDU for an elaboration of the composition and tasks of the General Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

For more information about the "members" or "meetings" of the General Occupational Health and Safety Committee at SDU, please go to the Danish page

Last Updated 24.10.2024