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The promotion portfolio serves as a basis for appraisal, evaluation and assessment in relation to skills development and final professorial assessment. The portfolio, like the promotion plan, must reflect the criteria for accreditation to professor as determined by the associate professor’s faculty and department. It is important that the promotion portfolio is targeted in relation to the skills the associate professor must acquire during the period over which the promotion programme runs. The plan should be realistic in relation to the length of the programme.

The portfolio is established by the associate professor at the start of the programme, preferably with inspiration from/on the basis of the promotion plan. The portfolio is constantly updated as the associate professor achieves new goals and contributes to the fulfilment of the criteria for accreditation to professor. Whereas the promotion plan is a static document that is attached to the application for admission to the programme, the portfolio is continuously updated by the associate professor during the course of the programme.
The portfolio describes and documents progress in relation to professor criteria, including goals achieved and contributions in relation to the criteria (research results, teaching portfolio, grants, dissemination, etc.).

Last Updated 03.07.2024