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Economic Support for Competence Development

The SDU administers funds which can be applied for by:

  • Individuals
  • Groups of employees
  • SDU units

The competence pools

The funds for competence development are the result of collective bargaining, this means that management and employees must be in agreement on how to use these funds.



The aim of this foundation is to improve the possibilities for competence development of state employees.

The competence foundation


Please notice that applications for all funds known as “trepartsmidler”  (e.g. grant arrangements) must be examined in the liaison committee, and that you must consequently allow time for processing. Apply in good time but at the latest a week before the given deadline.


Finding your way around the possibilities for economic support for competence development can be quite a challenge. If you need guidance with regards to the possibilities for support you are more than welcome to contact:


Jakob Ejersbo, Chief consultant, HR Development, , 2923

Dorthe Magnussen, HR Development,  4545

Last Updated 03.07.2024