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Project on new digital support for VIP/DVIP recruitment at SDU

A new project simplifies the HR system landscape.

A project has been initiated at SDU under the title ‘Future digital platforms for VIP and DVIP recruitment’. The new platform will replace the current recruitment system for academic staff at SDU, which will no longer be available from New Year 2023/2024. At the same time, recruitment processes at SDU are currently based on different systems (TAP via Oracle Recruiting Cloud (ORC) and Oracle Human Capital Manager (HCM), and VIP/DVIP recruitments are managed via SDU Job, SDU Ansæt and HCM), and the HR system landscape needs to be simplified.
The project is owned and managed by SDU HR.

The purpose of the project is to implement ORC and HCM to digitally support the recruitment of VIP and DVIP staff at SDU by the end of 2023, while ensuring that managers, committee members and other employees experience high quality and qualified digital and HR support, and that applicants experience a transparent and professional digitally supported recruitment process.

Project start-up
The project will run in short phases with few, dedicated resources, partly due to the tight deadline for the project and partly to minimise the organisation burden (at a time when other large digitalisation projects are running in parallel). The project will consist of three main phases:

Phase 1:
May – June: Analysis of current recruitment processes and design of a new process adapted to new system support

Phase 2:
July – October: System set up and testing

Phase 3:
November – December: Move to production environment and go live

Organisation and user involvement
A steering committee has been set up with representatives from all five faculties at SDU, including heads of secretariat and head of department representatives, who have decision-making authority in the project. In addition, a faculty coordinator has been appointed for each faculty, who is responsible for appointing participants to the project and ensuring/coordinating resource allocation to the departments.
Finally, an expert group has been set up, consisting of administrative staff from all five faculties who have in-depth knowledge of the VIP and DVIP recruitment process at SDU. The expert group will participate in all phases to ensure continuity in the project. Specialists will be involved in the parts of the project where the expert group needs input. These will be managers/employees from the faculties with knowledge of specific sub-processes (e.g. assessment chairs, recruiting managers/heads of department and recently employed staff members).

Project status – where are we now?
The project is about halfway through the analysis and design phase (Phase 1). The current average process for recruiting VIPs at SDU has been mapped and based on a study of user perspectives and needs as well as the identification of problem areas in the current process, the next step will be to design the new recruitment process – and thereby define requirements/wishes for new system support.

Would you like to know more?
You can read more about and follow the project via (in Danish only).
If you have any questions or input regarding the project, please contact your faculty coordinator or the project management group.

Editing was completed: 19.06.2023