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Maternity/paternity leave

You can now read about the new rules about maternity/paternity leave on SDUnet.

On July 1st 2022 new maternity rules came into effect which apply to parents of children born on or after August 2nd 2022. The rules imply a new distribution of maternity leave between the parents.

By Sharajé Thomasen, , 7/14/2022

On July 1st 2022 new maternity rules came into effect which entail a new distribution of the maternity leave between the parents. The amendment applies to parents of children born on or after August 2nd 2022.

It is the time of birth and not the due date that determines what rules that applies to you – the old rules or the new. This means that if you for example have a due date on July 28th, but give birth on August 3d, you will be subject to the new maternity rules.

The new maternity rules entail an equally divided amount of parental leave with maternity benefits to each parent, after the birth of your child if you live together at the time of the birth.

According to the new rules, each parent is entitled to 24 weeks of leave with maternity benefits after the birth. Together, the parents have 48 weeks of leave with maternity benefits after the child's birth which are the same rights as previously.

Please note that the new rules only entail amendments to the Maternity Act. The maternity agreement for employees of the state, in which the salary rights are described, has not undergone any changes.

How the weeks are distributed, how you as a mother, father/co-mother, adopter or solo parent can take leave, and what applies in relation to salary, is written on SDUnet. You will find the Danish page here: (the English page is not yet updated, but we expect it to be updated shortly after the summer holiday).

Please contact Vivi Madsen or Sharajé Thomasen from SDU HR, Staff if you have any questions.

Editing was completed: 14.07.2022