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The Rector is the person principally responsible for the elections, but is only involved in fundamental issues and any complaints about the elections.
Election Committee
The Election Committee consists of eight members (a combination of academic staff, technical/administrative staff and students from various faculties), who are appointed by the rector in accordance with SDU's statutes to ensure the elections are conducted correctly. The Election Committee holds meetings as required and has the task of calling, conducting and calculating the results of the elections.
Election Secretariat
Serves as the secretariat of the Election Committee. In practice, the Election Secretariat is responsible for conducting elections and handles all administrative matters regarding the elections. Matters of principle or political matters are often discussed with the chairperson of the Election Committee, who will decide whether the entire Election Committee should be convened.
E-elections task force
A national working/experience group consisting of representatives from the universities which use the same e-election system for holding elections. The Election Secretariat currently represents SDU.
Electoral contacts
The Election Secretariat has several contacts who, to varying degrees, provide assistance with elections. Some contacts are responsible for providing data to the Election Secretariat for employees, PhD students and students, respectively. Other contacts, such as secretaries of the study boards, are responsible for disseminating information once the election process has been completed. Finally, SDU IT assists the Election Secretariat with IT solutions and support.