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Here you can find an overview of relevant departments or persons if you have questions in connection with data protection and information security.

If something is missing from the pages, or if you have suggestions for improvements, please contact SDU Digital, Compliance

Overview of relevant contacts in the work on data protection and information security:

SDU Digital, Compliance handles SDU’s overall data protection and information security tasks.

SDU RIO, SDU Digital, Compliance, SDU IT and the local GDPR- and information security coordinators handle all central tasks in the area of data protection and information security at SDU. Below is an overview of tasks as as related to areas of responsibility. 'Primary' means the primary contact and the facilitator for the related task. 

Below is an overview of employees in SDU Digital, Compliance:

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Head of SDU Digital, Compliance, Janni Lee B. Bang Brodersen
Administrative Officer, Brian Truelsen with questions concerning SDU's work on information security 
Data Protection Officer (DPO), Simon Kamber with questions concerning SDU's processing of your personal information
Administrative Officer, Morten Ingerslev Falk . Administrative Officer, Kristina Watt Aspmo. Administrative Officer, Tobias Brandt Rössing

SDU RIO can help you with specific data protection law questions.

SDU RIO, SDU Digital, Compliance, SDU IT and the local GDPR- and information security coordinators handle all central tasks regarding data protection and information security at SDU. Below is an overview of tasks as related to areas of responsibility. 'Primary' means the primary contact and facilitator for the related task. 

SDU RIO can be contacted at

SDU IT can help if you have IT technical questions. This could be setting up S4, questions about licenses or other forms of IT support. 

SDU IT can be contacted at

The RDM Support consists of representatives from SDUB, SDU IT and SDU RIO and provides help in the form of more specific guidance on data protection and information security in connection with research projects. It could be guidance on Data Management Plans, guidance on storage of research data and guidance on sharing and publishing research data. 

The RDM Support can be contacted at

The Legal Office can help (and must be contacted upon request from data subjects) when it comes to requests for access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification, etc.

Legal Office can be contacted at

Last Updated 15.04.2024