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Own illness

Own illness

Find out what you are entitled to in terms of sick leave as an employee at SDU.
As an employee, you are entitled to leave if you are unable to work due to illness. You are also entitled to leave in connection with visits to the doctor, doctor-referred treatment in the health system or dental visits (if they cannot be scheduled outside of working hours).

Illness must be notified to your manager no later than the beginning of working hours on the first day of illness or in accordance with the workplace’s local guidelines. SDU may require that you document your absence due to illness with a medical certificate, which SDU pays for. Once your are well again, you should also notify according to the local guidelines of the workplace.

In connection with long-term illness, you will be called in for a sick leave interview. The interview must uncover the possibilities for how and when you as an employee on sick leave can return to the workplace in full or in part. The sick interview should therefore be considered a care interview.

In the event of expected sick leave of more than 8 weeks from the first day of illness, you can – at any time during the course of the illness – request that a written retention plan is prepared for how you can return to work in full or in part as soon as possible. The retention plan must be prepared jointly and may, for example, include a changed workplace layout and different work tasks. SDU is not obligated to prepare the plan, but it may be a good idea for both parties.

A declaration of work capacity will be used if there is uncertainty about which work functions you can perform. The declaration makes it possible to get your doctor’s assessment of whether you can carry out your work functions in the future (in full or in part) without deteriorating your health.

The declaration consists of 2 parts. Part 1 is completed by you and your manager. Your doctor then assesses whether the work functions described are compatible with your state of health and then completes part 2. A declaration of work capacity may be required to be prepared (and paid for by the employer) at any time during the course of the illness. The declaration can also be used for courses with repeated sick leave.

If you suffer from a chronic or long-term illness that is estimated to cause at least 10 days of absence in a year, you can, together with your immediate manager, request the municipality for a §56 agreement.

Last Updated 19.10.2023